Bark After Dark
Saturday, April 13th, 2019
Gambitta's Party Center
106 E Aurora Rd.,
Northfield, Ohio 44067
Same Greyt Fun! Reserve your tickets today - they go fast!
Enjoy a fun filled evening among friends and family supporting
a greyt cause enjoying food, drinks and raffles!.
Tickets include:
Entrance into the event
A plated dinner including: Beef AuJus, Roasted Lemon Chicken
Breast,Penne Marinara, Green Bean Almondine, Roasted Redskin
Potatoes, Dinner Salad, Rolls and Dessert
Beverages (including unlimited beer, wine and pop) and desserts.
Ticket Price: Adults $40
12 Years and Under $10
Doors open at 5:30pm
Dinner served 6:30pm-7:30pm prompt
Raffles called between 8:30pm-9:30pm
50/50 winner announced at 9:30p, (Winner need not be present)
Music and dancing 9:00pm-10:30pm
What should I expect?
Last year we had over 100 raffle baskets, ranging in value from $85 up to $2,500! Raffle baskets range from standard raffle baskets, to premier raffle baskets. Tickets for the standard raffle basket are 6 tickets for $5. Tickets for the premier raffle baskets are $5 per ticket.
Be prepared to win a few extra dollars on our side board raffles and enter into our 50/50 Raffle; 6 tickets for $5. Winner does not have to be present to win the 50/50 raffle.
Join in our our fun game of Heads or Tails, where guests select either their "head" or their "tail" as the master of ceremony calls the coin flip. Those that choose correctly remain in the game, until only one person is left. Winner takes home winnings!
While we try to please our guests with the unlimited standard alcohol package, guests are able to purchase specialty drinks at market cost.
Once the raffles wrap up, join us out on the dance floor with glow sticks and dancing to end the night.
What type of payment is accepted?
Tickets to the event can be purchased online beginning March 1, 2019. As for the day of the event, we accept cash, check or credit. There are no ATMs at the party center. There might be an ATM located at the Bar and Grille next to Gambitta's party center. Come prepared.
Tickets go on sale March 1, 2019!